A couple of days ago I heard that Terrence Howard is being replaced in Iron Man 2. The rumor was that he was let go over financial disputes. However today on ReelComix.com it was reported that Terrence Howard found out about his job loss after it was publicly announced that he was being replaced. This is what Mr. Howard has reportedly said:
“It was the surprise of a lifetime,” he said. “There was no explanation. [The contract] just…up and vanished. I read something in the trades implicating that it was about money or something, but apparently the contracts that we write and sign aren’t worth the paper that they’re printed on, sometimes. Promises aren’t kept, and good faith negotiations aren’t always held up.”
I admit to being profoundly disappointed with Marvel for this move. It's wrong to fire someone who everyone admit was doing a great job without an explanation. I think Terrence Howard should sue them. Unfortunately, when it comes right down to the truth, it doesn't matter if you are an academy award nominated actor (he should have won) or not, a black person still has to deal with unfair treatment sometimes. I often wonder if Obama becoming President will change any of that. Nah! View blog reactions
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