1. I'm still wondering what Arthur's plans are. He is immensely powerful, ruthless, and manipulative. It's funny how people can rationalize almost anything and yet not see themselves as evil.
2. I was amazed to see that Daphne was faking her defection from Pinehurst. Considering the way Arthur killed Matt Parkman's dad with nothing more than a gesture (because he stole Peter's powers) makes me wonder just what he has on Daphne
3. Was Arthur telling Sylar the truth about Angela, that he was sent away because Angela tried to drown him when he was a baby? Arthur and Angela are horrible the way they set their sons against each other
4. When Peter told Nathan that their father Arthur is still alive, it made me wonder if Nathan knew that Sylar is his brother?
5. With Matt's father dead, does that mean no more scenes with Lindermann? I would assume so.
6. I want Peter to get his powers back.
7. I thought it was cool how Sylar helped Peter

8. We weren't let in on yet what Matt and Daphne will do next. Of course, Matt wants to take down the man who murdered his father.
9. I enjoyed the Elle and Claire subplot. They started to see how similar they really are. Elle is not as strong as Claire. She is so selfish as to her own interests she did not think about what someone who throws Peter out of a seven story window would do to her.
10. I think Suresh's story arc is a little uneven. He almost seemed his regular self. But it didn't seem consistent with what's gone on before.
11. Maya is cured....but I'm not sure I believe anything Arthur Petrelli says.
12. Nathan and Peter don't like their dad...even before he took Peter's powers.
13. Sylar seems to be playing along with Arthur. Going to be hard because Arthur does have Peter's power to read minds.
14. The only other plot contrivance I'm having problems with is Hiro's and Ando's arc. Why should Hiro be scared to go backwards in time. I think it could be argued that had he not gone back to 14th Century Japan and fulfilled Kensei's role the present would have been messed up.
15. I'm looking forward to the next episode (in 2 weeks! I'm not happy about that). It looks like we will learn how Arthur Petrelli got to this point.
Here is the promo for "ERIS QUOD SUM"
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