Marvel has just made an announcement that they will be re-launching the Black Panther comic book series next February. The kicker is that the current Black Panther is going to be replaced by a woman! At this point they are not going to release any information about what happens to cause the change or who the new character is beneath that mask. The writer, Reginald Hudlin, and Marvel Editor-in-chief, Joe Quesada, say the want to shake things up and get back to the diversity the Panther symbolizes being the first black superhero in print. Personally, I think that they are trying to pull a John McCain: pick a pretty woman to placate feminist and make people think that they are being open-minded and inclusive. I will probably give the change a chance, but Black Panther is a black African man, if he is replaced by a white woman I will be greatly offended. He is always pointed to by Marvel so they can say that they can say we had the first black superhero. View blog reactions
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