I know it's been a couple days but I'm just getting to comment on the third episode of Heroes Season 3. It's called "One of Us, One of them". I liked it. I thought it went a little more slowly, than episodes 1 and 2. And it gave me more questions than answers. I have a philosophical question: The question about Sylar's responsibility for his actions were raised. Angela said that Gabriel could not help being driven to kill to gain more power because of how his core power works. Does this mean that he is not responsible? Everyone has sins that they cannot control. They take over and are based on our own lusts. I reject the notion that Sylar is not responsible because God still holds us accountable. We are accountable because we can get delivered and if we do not get delivered it is because deep down we don't want to be delivered. Jesus can fix anything. Holiness is a goal we must never stop reaching for. What makes present-Peter a hero is that he is willing to put himself on the line to protect others. Sylar is selfish. He only feels special if there are no others who have powers. Peter's personality is very altruistic and sympathetic to others. Interesting that his power is to absorb the abilities of others.
I liked seeing Claire's mother trying to teach her about combat and tried to show her that she's not ready. Although Claire is invulnerable, she can still be stopped. Like she can be tortured by making her feel like she is going to suffocate, but she can't suffocate. She is also still emotionally and psychologically vulnerable. In effect, that shows that she is still human. How cool was it when future-Peter stopped time while present-Peter was

Heroes is very different than X-men. In X-men, they seem to try to make sure that most characters don't share the same powers. In Heroes, the African guy can paint the future like Isaac, Peter, and Sylar. If you count Angela who dreams the future, then you have 5 characters with similar powers. I'd like to see more how the African storyline figures into the overall arc.
Spoiler Alert!!! Here are some of the questions I'm left with:
1. If Noah Bennet knew the Petrelis, why did he and the Haitian try to kidnap Nathan in the first season?
2. Does Angela feel any guilt over the people Sylar killed?
3. What does it mean that Nikki and Tracy were born on the same day in the same hospital under the same doctor?
4. Will we see Micah again?
5. Where were Monica and Mohinder?
6. What about Kaitlin? Peter seems to have forgotten about her.
7. Peter has some abilities that Sylar does not. When they meet, Peter will get all of the abilities that Sylar has. If Sylar looks into Peter's brain he will get all of Peter's abilites and then they will be equal. Peter would not die because he has Claire's powers. They would be equal. Do I have it right?
8. There is an Internet rumor that Tracy and Nikki are products of breeding and bioengineering and that my explain Sylar. Maybe Sylar is a test tube baby?
9. Did Noah know Claire's birth mother because she worked for the company at one time? What is their relationship?
10. Did Angela manipulate Nathan and events to lead to Claire's birth?

11. How will Hiro and Ando escape the Company?
12. The story and Identity of everyone in the picture of the company's founder has not been told. Who are the rest of those people (on the right)? Are they all dead but Matt's dad and Angela? I don't even know what Linderman's status is.
13. Is future Peter still a good guy?
14. How is Linderman manipulating Nathan? He knows more about Tracy than he is telling Nathan. Does Angela know about it?
Lots of questions. I can't wait to find out more. View blog reactions
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