The sixth episode was amazing. It's called "Dying in the Light". It ended a couple of subplots and started new ones. Here is the list of goodies:
1. We finally got to see what kind of powers Arthur Pertrelli has: absorbing powers and lifeforce of others just by touching them.
2. Hiro did not kill Ando....good news...only tricked Daphne and Knox into thinking that he killed Ando.
3. Sylar has self-control and is trying to be good.
4. Daphne is having second thoughts about whose side is she on.
5. What does Arthur Petrelli have on Daphne that she can't leave?
6. How are Nathan and Tracy going to stop Suresh?
7. I was shocked when Arthur absorbed Peter's powers. Did he also absorbed the hunger that comes with Sylar's powers?
8. Does Arthur know about Sylar?
9. I don't really understand why Nathan would want to get rid of his powers.
10. I really wanna know what Hiro and Ando will do now.
11. I thought it was really cool how Claire was able to spring her mothers from that psychopath.
12. Why is Arthur recruiting all of those people with powers?
13. How did Arthur reach this point?
14. What is Matt going to do when he finds out how far Suresh has slipped into evil?
15. Are Suresh' s victim's dead? What is his plan?
16. It was a nice short battle between Peter and Sylar. I wish Sylar had gone with Peter then maybe he would not have been captured.
17. I wonder just how far do Arthur's abilities go? Are the effects transferable? Temporary? Permanent? What?
18. With Adam Monroe's abilities, could he survice Arthur's powers?
Lots of questions. I look forward to seeing the answers. I love the tagline they are using now on the episodes:
You can't choose your family, but you can choose a side.
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