It's official. I like the new Batman television series. I like the format a lot. I like seeing Batman team up with different characters. Many times these other characters have true superhuman powers but Batman holds his own with them quite easily. It has humor without being campy. The only thing I didn't like about the last episode was Aquaman's characterization. He seemed like an arrogant blowhard in love with the sound of his own voice. Don't get me wrong. He was very powerful and had genuine heroic qualities. Only his personality seemed more like the way Olympian and Asgardians gods are portrayed in comic books. I like how in each episode, Batman's humanity seem to make his opponents to underestimate him, yet the heroes would not win without Batman. I love the character development and interaction. In episode 2, Batman spent most of the episode teamed up with Plastic-man. I never really seen Plastic-man portrayed the way he was in this episode. But I liked the way he was choosing between stealing treasure or helping Batman defeat Grodd. He made the correct decision but it was great to see him wrestling with the decision. In episode 3, Batman teamed up with Atom against Felix Faust and with Aquaman against Black Manta. Each story starts with Batman and a partner in

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