I realize that I write more about Capcom and mugen the most when I write about video games. But the truth is I am familiar with other companies that make fighting games like SNK. I like their games too. I was reminding today that next year we will be getting another game from them in their King of Fighters series: King of Fighters XII (yes, that is a "12", I'm shocked too). The arcade version is supposed to hit in spring of 2009 and I am assuming that the console versions will be out soon after (referring too PS3, WII, and Xbox 360). I read about this today on G4TV's blog. They were even nice enough to provide the names of each of the characters that will be included some twenty.

- Andy Bogard
- Ash Crimson
- Athena Asamiya
- Benimaru Nikaido
- Chin Gentsai
- Clark Steel
- Duo Lon
- Goro Daimon
- Iori Yagami
- Joe Higashi
- Kim Kaphwan
- Kyo Kusanagi
- Leona Heidern
- Raiden
- Ralf Jones
- Robert Garcia
- Ryo Sakazaki
- Shen Woo
- Sie Kensou
- Terry Bogard
However, there is one glaring omission. One of the most popular characters in the series is not included in the playable list: Mai Shiranui (first picture in the post)
Mai has always been one of my personal favorites and an SNK fighting game is really missing something without her in the mix. I'm thinking that if she isn't in the game, I'm going to skip this one. View blog reactions
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