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Well, I just saw the Iron Man: Armored Adventures episode guest-starring Black Panther. I liked it. I was wondering how they were going to write in such a character with such a huge back story into the story of the show. It worked. I don't like the way they made Tony a teenager because I don't think it really does not work for Iron Man. Anyone remember the "Teen Tony" fiasco they tried in the late 1990's in the Comics. IT was a disaster and Marvel quick distanced itself. Funny thing is that even during all the promotion of Iron Man during last year's movie promotion that part of his history was hardly touched. Believe me I'd like to forget it myself.
But I have digressed. Back to the animated episode. I though that the way Black Panther was brought in, it worked. They kept his origin largely the same - except the identity of his father's killer, but that would have opened up kinds of complexity so I think it was a good choice. So although I don't like them making Iron Man and his main circle of friends teenagers, this was the best episode of the series so far.
Check out images and the synopsis to tonight's episode of "Iron Man: Armored Adventures"! | News |
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