Image via Wikipedia

As the blogger points out, it's only hinted at that Peter and this woman had sex and not explicitly said...but I don't need spider-senses to notice something happened. The scene is played for laughs but I'm not laughing. It's exacerbated by the fact the Peter doesn't remember what they did. Not good. And a big difference from a story in 2001 when Spider-man was hired to stop a gamma-powered zombie by a wealthy man. When Spider-man was on the plane a woma, who woman who worked for the mobster, hit on him and made it plainly obvious what she was offering him. Because Peter was married then , he said no and even webbed the entrance to the cabin where he was so she couldn't get to him. Now that was funny and tasteful. And the kind of hero Spider-man truly is. When I have a chance to scan that page, I will post it as soon as I can.
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