I just read on
ReelComics.com and
/Film more information about why Terrence Howard was not recast (read fired) as James Rhodes in Iron man 2. Marvel is saying that because Terrence was the first to sign on, he ended up being paid more than anyone else, but there is no explanation as to how this could happen. It was also reported that the director and producers were not satisfied with Howard's work on the first Iron Man. That does not make sense because I heard them say that all the actors were great. There was talk about scaling back the Rhodes role in the sequel and offering Howard 50%-80% less money than what he signed up for. No wonder he said "No." Even before the first movie came out they promised that if there was going to be sequel James Rhodes as War Machine would play a major role. It all sounds fishy to me. Apparently with Don Cheadle signed on, War Machine's back in a major way. Mr. Cheadle needs to watch his back because apparently Marvel Film execs did not get the memo that the civil rights legislation passed. It's not right to break contracts and just treat people that way. I think they could have worked harder to work something out with Terrence Howard. I'm not sure who to believe, but we are not getting the whole truth.
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