Well, I just watched the ninth episode of Heroes and I'm blown away. It's called "It's Coming". Looks like Sylar decided to side with his father, Arthur Petreli, while Nathan and Peter have side with their mother, along with Daphne, Matt Parkman, and Claire. I wonder if Elle and Sylar are really on Arthur's side or not. What side will Hiro and Ando come down on. I'd assume they are going to back Angela. I like the way things are going. But I have a little trepidation concerning the next episode...It appears that they will loose their powers - everyone! I'm assuming that everyone will get their powers back because we are supposed to have season 4. I wanna see what happens next. The idea of a catalyst to complete the formula for empowering normal human is amazing. More amazing is the thought that secret is inside Claire!
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