Ok, I realize that it may make me a geek, but I love Star Trek. The whole franchise. Each and every series....all the movies...well except for Star Trek V - it sucked. I'm part of that generation that knew the original series only through re-runs. All my peers had someone in their early lives who made them watch Star Trek whether they wanted to or not - leading to them either detesting the show or becoming life long fans such as I. In my case it was my eldest brother. He's 16 years older than I and he plopped me in front of the TV to watch Star Trek with him as soon as I was able to sit up by myself. By the time I was 5 years old I had seen every single episode and could even quote lines from many episodes. I'd like to one day post a blog article about Star Trek, how it has affected my World View, society, and it's theology, but for now I just wanted to post the trailer for the new movie coming out next year. It's based on the original with an all-new cast.
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