Saturday, September 27, 2008

"Dark Bailout"

I just came across this video in YouTube. It is a post originally from by Matthew Blinkie
I can't think of a better title other than the one given to the posting on YouTube. It's a commentary on George Bush's speech earlier this week in which he proposes that the government use $700 billion dollars to buy up bad debts of corporations and banks to keep the economy from total collapse. The hope is that the government can take over those corporations, and when the economy recovers, the government will be able to make a profit because the assets purchase will be worth more than what was paid for them. The rational is that it worked before on a smaller scale I suppose. Besides that I'm not even sure I understand. The editor of the video point out the silliness of the situation using a scene from Dark Knight, edited together with Bush's speech. It's great. I'm afraid I agree with the Joker. How about you?

Here are Mr. Blinkie's comments:

Our society’s institutions are collapsing, and we have lost confidence in our leaders to save us. Wait, didn’t someone make a summer blockbuster about this?

Where do we turn in this time of crisis? Here’s what the Joker thinks about President Bush’s economic bailout.

Here is the video:

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