Wednesday, November 11, 2009

BCE Comic Strip | What is BCE?

Here is a great example of a great online multimedia entertainment source exploring the African Dispora through historical fiction. This is really cool. Here is a description from the web site
Technically, BCE stands for before common era, referring to the years before January 1st, 0000. OK, so our story doesn't really take place in a time that would be considered BCE. Actually, this BCE doesn't really take place in any specific period in time. This is the story of group of people living in the ancient African city of Ife *, the center Yoruban culture, before various tragic events would forever change the face of the African continent and her people.

By the way, did we mention that although BCE takes place in Ife, the characters and events are inspired by Africans from many places, ancient and modern, as well as the people of the African diaspora. For example the inspiration for our friend Nefertari comes from New Kingdom Ancient Egyptians, while Amina is named after the legendary Amina Kulibali of Gabu, and Jazz owes her name to the form of music made popular by African Americans.

You can read the comic strip, view character profiles, and download wall paper right from the site. There are even animated episodes. You can see them embedded below.

BCE Comic Strip | What is BCE?

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