I saw the latest episode of Heroes, called "I am Sylar", and I must admit that I liked it. It was interesting to see more about how Sylar's new shape-shifting powers work now: He absorbs DNA. That makes me wonder if it's another way he can steal powers. It was nice to see Hiro and Ando working together. It made me wonder what's happening to Hiro. I thought that he had regained his powers with no side effects. Turns out that I was wrong. I can't wait to see what those consequences are. I'd like to see what Micah's next move is. I want to see how they are going to stop Sylar. At this point, I would really like to see Peter go back to full power and go toe-to-toe with Sylar. I'm looking to see more. If you check out the sidebar, you'll seea widget that plays episodes from Heroes season 3. If you have missed any, take a look.
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