Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Heroes Season 4; Volume 5; Episode 3: Acceptance

"Acceptance" was a great episode. It had a lot of twist and turns. The thing is that things have changed really greatly. "Acceptance" was definitely the theme of the episode.

1. HRG accepting that He has to move on and keep searching the case he was looking into when he was hurt in last week's episode.
2. Tracy accepted that she was unable to just waltz back into her old life.
3. Hiro accepted that he is going to die and told his sister the truth.
4. Nathan was unable accept that his mother had covered up the accidental death of his old girlfriend felt guilty
5. The girls mother had Nathan "killed" while she had dinner with Angela! I was shocked
6. Adding to suspense, we know that Nathan can't die because He's Sylar. So when the hitman buries Nathan, who rises out of the grave...Sylar. Of course, according to the promo for next week's episode, Sylar still thinks he's Nathan although he no longer looks like Sylar.

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