Monday, May 3, 2010

THE INTERSECTION | MADNESS & REALITY: Can it be that Halle Berry is just as bad at picking crappy men as the rest of you?

Halle Berry at the Hasty Pudding Woman of the ...Image via Wikipedia
This article is interesting. The blogger attempts to understand the futility of Halle Berry's love life. I mean the blogger brings up some great points about how she has become an icon of what beauty is - not just black women but all women. I was amazed to find out that the man she has a baby with has just broken up with her. I don't know the specifics but it does make me wonder: What is wrong with him? I know Halle is only human and it can't always be the man's fault. I used to think it was always the man's fault...but then I got old enough to date. Women are just as clueless and fallible as we are. That being said I know it takes 1 person to ruin a relationship but it takes 3 to make it work. It takes one because all the man or woman has to do is give up on their spouse. However the only way to successfully navigate the rigors of being and staying married is through the power of God. Where did Halle go wrong? When I first heard that she was dating Gabriel Aubrey, ended up pregnant, and said that she would never marry again, I was saddened because she was making a conscious decision to ignore God's way and do things as she thought was right. I don't care who you are, but doing what is right in your own eyes not God's will invariably cause you pain.

As for the blogger's reasoning as to why Halle's relationship failed, he offered that maybe she wasn;t really that good at sex. I wonder if he saw Monster's Ball, because if he did, you got to know that it's probably wasn't that, and she was faking it in the movie.

THE INTERSECTION | MADNESS & REALITY: Can it be that Halle Berry is just as bad at picking crappy men as the rest of you?

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