Heroes is getting better and better. Here is my rundown for the latest episode:
1. Nathan is loosing control of his "Hunter", who staged Tracy's escape so that a woman from Home Land Security could see how dangerous people with abilities can be.
2. Claire has decided to side against her fathers
3. Who is the rebel? I think it's Peter.
4. I liked the subplot with Ando and Hiro going to India to help that woman realize that she did not have to marry someone she did not love. When is Hiro going to get his powers back? And we saw at the beginning of Volume 3 that Ando killed Hiro and his hands were glowing red, which is what Ando does when he uses his powers...could that future still happen?
5. Sylar has daddy issue, but it is interesting to see his relationship develop with Luke. He freed Luke when he was captured, but I'd like to know how did they know that Luke had powers?
6. I can see that Mohinder, Matt, and Peter are not going to sit around and wait on Nathan's move, instead they kidnapped Noah. I can't wait to see how that plays out. If Clair finds out will she side with them or Noah. In effect they did exactly what Nathan is doing.
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