Well, I was fortunate to see the return of Heroes. Finally, something worth watching on television Monday nights again! Just like in Volumes 2 and 3, the episode started out about three months since the end of volume 3, and we see a new status quo among the characters and we have very little idea how they go to those points since the last time we have seen them. Of course all those questions will be answered. I noticed a few inconsistencies that may be explained later (I hope) and may not have been mistakes. Ok, Here is my rundown (caution contains details):
1. Sylar's Alive (big surprise)! Now, I'd like to know how.
2. Apparently, when Mohinder was cured, his super strength remained in tack
3. Apparently, when Peter's powers were restored he only got his initial absorbing power and he flew because he was in Nathan's presence at the end of volume 3. Why now, can he seem only to be able to absorb powers by touch, like his daddy?
4. How did Noah Bennet end up working with Nathan and Angela Petrelli?
5. Where exactly was Nathan planning to send Peter, Matt, Mohinder, Hiro, Tracy, and the other metahumans?
6. Is that Guy from Africa that Matt has been seeing alive? Or is Matt just seeing visions? Arthur Petrelli did kill him.
7. I had hoped that some of the events in volume 3 at the end undid some of Arthur's evil like the people he killed and taking Hiro's powers. We'll see.
8. How did Nathan arrange that trap for Sylar?
9. What will Sylar find when he finally meets his father? Is Sylar's mother still alive?
10. I want Hiro to get his powers back.
Here is the promo!
I really liked how the show is drawing parallels to how governments inter or persecute people who are different from the general populace. I'll be interested to see how this plays out. I just don't think it's right to take away the rights or group because of what a few people in the group may do. It's not fair. In the context of the show, just because Arthur and Sylar abuse their powers doesn't mean all the specials will. Peter, Claire, Matt, and Hiro desire to use their powers to help others...as it should be. "The Law is for the Lawless". The people who choose to use their powers morally should not be bothered by the government. In this day and age, such fiction is needed to help us think about the politics in our country. Where do the right of the individual end and the security of the group begin? Tough question. Nathan is going down a slippery slope towards something akin to Nazism. Nathan is telling the government about people with special abilities, rounding them up, and doing who know what to them, although he is one of them. I do remember Nathan saying in season 1 that if he were in charge that is what he would do to keep specials under control. But I don't see him or his mother turning themselves in. I'm reminded of Hitler. He did all he could to sanitize records of his ancestry of anyone who was less than his ideal of being German. However his father was half-Jewish. I'm not sure if the writers are trying to go for all these connections but it is interesting. It's this kind of thing that makes this show interesting.
Heroes draws a lot of parallels with X-men. I would say that Peter is a lot like Professor X or Cyclops. While Sylar and Nathan remind me of Magneto to varying degrees. I wonder if those similarites and differences will be further explored during this volume? View blog reactions
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