A piece of exciting news has been released by Marvel at Comic Con 2009: a story written by Reginald Hudlin and Denys Cowan with art by Denys Cowan in which the Nazi

1. We get to see the current Black Panther's grandfather - y'know the one who handed Submariner's butt back to him.
2. We get to see Captain America less experienced and learning from the Black Panther
3. We get to see Nick Fury and his WWII unit through Black Panther's eyes.
4. We get to see many of the golden age characters of WWII
5. Hudlin and Cowan are black creators; it'll be great to see an African-American point-of-view
6. We get to see Gabe Jones fleshed out as a man because a great deal of the story will be told from his point of view. Gabe Jones is a black member in Nick Fury's unit. Here is a quote from Hudlin
"A key player and point of view for the story is Gabe Jones," he explains. "Historically, Gabe Jones is one of the first 'normal' black people in comics. By 'normal,' I mean, not a racist caricature. Gabe is the first of the great breakthroughs in realistic depictions of black characters that Stan Lee and Jack Kirby did in the 1960's. He was the forerunner of Robbie Robertson and the Black Panther.
"I'm going to flesh out who Gabe Jones is. As an African American, he seemed like the perfect person to be the point of view of this story. He would take pride in both the Black Panther and Captain America, and also would find himself in conflict with both."
I love these guys work. I reallly want to pick up and read this. It's a four-part limited series called CAPTAIN AMERICA/BLACK PANTHER: FLAGS OF OUR FATHERS. View blog reactions
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