There is a contest to vote on the greatest stories ever published by Marvel over at I would heartily recommend looking at the 70 nominees. Marvel has a great history there are many stories that deserve to be on the list but here is the "short" list.
On April 15, Marvel is publishing a book written from the point of view of a student at the Xavier Institute as if it's the student's blog! I like the concept. The only way I'd improve on it is to make it an on-going blog. Fortunately, Marvel is promoting the book by publishing 2 entries a week for the "blog" for a few short weeks. Read the article and the second blog entry at Read X-Student Eric Mattias Blog. I think it is great. The book is called Wolverine: Worst Day Ever. Here is part 3.
The episode that aired most recently was called Into Asylum. I loved it. I think it was the best episode of Volume 4. What I loved about it was the relationships. Peter in a very real way reconciled with his mother, Angela. She finally said somethings to him that perhaps should have been said to him years ago. It gave them closure and in a very real way God answered the prayer that Peter prayed. We also got a chance to understand Angela Petreli better. Besides that, it was revealed that Angela has an estranged sister. I can't wait to see what happened and what her sister's power is. Also we got a chance to see a reconciliation between Nathan and Claire. Both were also able to say things to each other as father and daughter that should have been said years ago. The big surprise for me was seeing the hunter teaming up with Sylar. What makes it worse is that Sylar has gained the ability to shape shift. Hopefully Peter can get back to full power because he is the only one powerful enough to fight with Sylar at his level. I hope that Peter's aunt's power is that she can restore Peter's powers to what they were before Arthur took them. I'm excited about the next episode because it seems that Peter and Angela will hook up with Claire and Nathan and they can figure out how to get out of this mess.
I saw the new DC Universe DVD: Wonder Woman. It was great! It was Wonder Woman's origin. It was well-written and included awesome action sequences. I liked it because it not only showed Wonder Woman's origin but also how the Amazon's Island came into being and why it is hidden. Hyppolyta was an awesome warrior. We see where Wonder Woman gets her powers, spirit, and skills. She got it honest. I liked Steve Trevor's lines in the movie priceless...especially whenever he had the truth lasso around him. My favorite was when the Amazon's were interrogating Trevor when he was first captured. Priceless. I got the two-disk set and I recommend this version because it has great documentaries about the making of the movie, and how Wonder Woman has impacted culture.
In have noticed that I have a few characters that aren't complete but still exciting. This Poll is not intended to make any creator fell like I am trying to rush them. Everyone has a life outside of mugen and that is to be expected. I mean everyone is busy! That being said here are nominees for characters we'd like to see completed. This is by no means an exhaustive list and does not mean to ignore the work of anyone. If you think I have missed a character please comment below. Just remember to include the creator's name so we know which version to which you are referring us.
"Cold Snap" is one of the best episodes of Heroes ever! A lot of noteworthy events happened!
1. Matt Parkman's infant son has the ability to make things move. He even jump started Hiro's power to stop time (looks like his power is partially restored) 2. Ando can shoot energy blasts 3. Darko tried to take down Angela Petrelli but Peter saved her 4. Matt and the speedster are breaking up 5. Suresh, Matt, Daphene and Tracy escaped because of Micah 6. Micah is "Rebel"! 7. It was probably the best special effect of the series where Tracy sacrificed herself to save Micah and froze the whole garage. (I guess that means the Ali Larter has left the series).
Okay, I know I am showing my age with this one. But it is hilarious! You have to have been a child during the 1980's to appreciate this fully, but it's funny.
I don't like the way Optimus Prime is portrayed because he comes off as an absolute arrogant jerk who has let success in Hollywood go to his head. That being was still funny. On top of that seeing Leader-1 from the Gobots waiting tables and trying to push a script like a has-been actor....was sooo funny!
I admit that this is funny in a disturbing way. I think that Wonderman is immoral and completely not a hero. He's doing good for the wrong reason! Not like Superman or Marvel's Wonderman at all!
I have definitely realized that children really watch everything we do. A few month ago, Makayla, was allowed to sit in the front seat of the car while we were parked. She is never allowed to be there alone. I wanted to see what she would do. Well, at first she did what she sees me do. Then she stood up and danced.
Here is a video of my daughter Makayla dancing to one of her favorite songs. Funny thing is how I found out about how she liked that song. One Saturday, we were watching a bunch of DVDs. Then I happen to put the movie Sicko into the DVD player and this song was playing during the main menu! Makayla would not let me change it. She cried and through a fit if I picked up the remote. "No, Daddy, I want to dance!" is all she would say. So, I relented and let her dance. Funny thing is, I still haven't seen Sicko. Looks like I'll have to watch it when she sleeps. Not that I can't make her obey, just not worth the fight, especially given the way she light ups when she dances.
Warning: If you have not read the graphic novel or seen the film and you want to see the movie later without knowing anything about the story, then you should skip this article until after you have seen the movie! I'll try to skip really big details.
I went to see Watchmen the day it was generally released. The first word that comes to mind to describe the experience is "mind-blowing". When you see the movie and think about the source material from which it comes you have to remember that for over 20 years many people did not believe that this story could be feasibly made into a movie. It was too epic...too grand...too fantastic to be told in a "limiting" media such as film. A snooty opinion I know, but nonetheless it was an opinion shared by many. I have been aware of Watchmen for years, but I had never read the actual book. Everyone who has ever studied anything about the history of comic books knows of the impact the Watchmen graphic novel made. Anyone who has picked up a comic book or seen a film based on comic books since 1986 have been influenced by this story. When I heard that the movie was being made, I purposely decided not to read the graphic novel until after I saw the movie. I wanted to go see the movie without judging it against the graphic novel. In seeing it, the movie gave me a lot to think about. This post will focus on just the movie and it's worldview.
The film takes place in 1985 and has flashbacks of events that happened in the past 40 years. The interesting thing is that the story takes key events in world history and asked the question "What if it happened differently?" The story is the culmination of all those differences. In this world there are costumed heroes who fought crime but all of whom have no superhuman powers except one man. They are more-like and women who dress up and fight criminals. Unlike our reality of 1985, Richard Nixon is still President. I think that he is President because America won Vietnam (due to superhuman intervention), there was no Watergate scandal; term limits were constitutionally repealed. Like the reality of 1985, the world stood on the brink of nuclear war.
The film, due to length, leave out certain aspects of the story that the movie studio released in other ways. For example, in the story The Keene Act was released in 1977 which made masked heroes illegal. By the time of the film most heroes retire and quit adventuring. Warner Brothers released a mock news video that the explains the Keene Act. It is cool.
Unfortunately, this is a problem that some folks who are hard-core fans have with the film. Some favorite plot points from the novel was not explored.
One thing that I really did enjoy in the film is the use of music. The music matched every scene. And the music matched the time period of the scene too. Here is an example from the opening montage.
There were a lot of characters shown during the opening that you would not have known anything about without knowing the novel. I realize that it was a nod to the fans of the novel and thankfully none of them were integral to the film so this was not a problem for me. In addition, the story is so broad we do get deep character development. I suppose its not as deep as the novel but still interesting. The characters, in my opinion, drove the story. I thought about the character called "The Comedian" was amazingly complex. He died in the beginning of the story, but his presence was felt throughout the story because it was in finding out why he was murdered that the other Watchmen figured out what was going on. The Comedian is not my ideal of a hero. He was shown doing horrible things throughout his life, but he he also protected society as a costumed vigilante and government agent. He stumbled on a plan that would kill millions of people.
The truly interesting thing to me about the film is how we see each character deal with the Comedian's murder and what they remember about him. His real name, Edward Blake, was not known to the general public therefore it was interesting to see how small his funeral was and how it seemed that the other Watchmen, who came, only went out of obligation. The one character that seemed to respect the Comedian was Rorschach. Rorschach went looking for the murderer and it led to him being set up for a murder. It turned out that all of the events were meant to divert attention to horrendous plan. Another character I found interesting was Doctor Manhattan. The only character who had genuine superpowers. I mean he can bend time and space and wield energy. His powers made him disconnected from humanity and during the film we watch his origin, his gradual disconnection from people, and then realizing that he must save people. He also sees no reason to wear clothes and is glowing blue. I think he may be a reason why people didn't think the movie could be made, but today through the magic of CGI, we have no problem. The actor was perfect. I think he pulled of the emotional disconnection wonderfully in a monotone expressionless voice. Manhattan is like Superman gone horribly wrong. I also like Nite Owl. Of all the characters, I think he was the most sane. The most grounded. He kind of reminded me a lot of Batman - a highly skilled fighter with lots of great gadgets. Between Nite Owl's powers and Rorschach's paranoia and detective skills (yes, I know put together you get Batman), the movie-goer understands the big picture.
The movie does remind me of the recent The Day The Earth Stood Still remake in that while it presupposes that if you give people the chance to avoid total destruction, they will change on their own, Watchmen assumes that if you give people a large enough threat that they can see outside and apart from themselves they will put aside difference and unite against the threat - effectively ending war. I don't think in real life the idea works...unless of course you can keep the threat ongoing and stoke it perhaps? What if we give it a name like "War on Terror" - faceless, nameless enemy (who is terror anyway?) bent on taking everything away? In fear people would limit their own civil liberties in exchange for feeling more secure. Fear can be used to keep the populace in mind while oil companies and bankers make more money than ever before....Oh, wait, that's what we have now! Okay, so maybe it will work.
The movie has a lot of awesome fight scenes! However, they are violent. I think it shows how things have changed since the early 1980's. Remember GI Joe, thousands of bullets, missiles, and lasers flying around and no one was killed. Everyone was able to jump out of the exploding vehicles unharmed. We have seen action being more and more graphically violent. I'd argue that characters like Spider-man, Captain America, and Superman are better heroes because they do not hurt even their enemies beyond what they have to. In fact they save lives even of those who would have killed them. Unfortunately, "dark" heroism of the Watchmen or the Punisher where the hero kills all his opponents has become trendy. The reason why characters like Spider-man are still popular is because deep down we all know that it is more of a heroic archetype because we are all created in the image of God. One point in the film, Doctor Manhattan's girlfriend is shown telling him that she can't relate to him because he is like a god. Manhattan said
I'm not a god, and if there was, I'm nothing like him.
The quote interested me because I think we can glean a lot about the worldview of the story: agnostic. Manhattan was said to be able to see his own past, present, and future simultaneously. He has near omnipotent control over time and space. Someone with power like that can stop criminals without splattering them everywhere...yet he did. Manhattan was very human in many ways. The premise of the movie is that because we don't know if there is a God or not we need to solve our own problems and the needs of the many outweigh the lives of the few. If you see the movie you'll see what I mean. I don't want to give away too much.
I have found a new flash game on the internet released by Warner Brothers and it's designed to be like "Final Fight" based on character from the movie who were active in the 1940's. Check it out
I have heard about a game for Xbox 360 called Ninja Blade. It almost makes me want to break down and get a 360 instead of Playstation 3....almost. Although Microsoft is pushing the game, I think that at some point the game will be ported to Playstation 3. There is an online comic book in chapters being released online. The main page has information about the plot. Here is the trailer.
I just found this on the internet. I took my family to the Juneteenth celebration last year. While we were there, Makayla was dancing to the music and a few people noticed, including a photographer from the Vallejo Times-Herald. He interviewed Mitsouky and I briefly and took Makayla's picture. I thought that they were going to run it in the newspaper, but instead they posted it on their website coverage of the event. Makayla had a great time! Here is the link:
"Shades of Gray" is the name of the latest episode of Heroes! It was awesome. They are sticking to keeping the episodes fast paced and easy to follow. They have been great. There were a few great things that happened:
1. Matt Parkman is still alive and captured 2. The Hunter knows that Nathan has an ability 3. Claire is no longer being protected 4. Sylar has found his real father and has the same powers. He's dying of cancer and Sylar left him to his fate rather than killing him 5. Hiro and Ando, were sent by Rebel to save Matt Parkman but where they were sent all they found was a baby named by "Matt Parkman". What? I really want to get that understood 6. I loved the ending: Sylar was waiting for the hunter at his apartment I sure can't wait to see what happens. 7. Does all of this mean that Nathan is on run too?
I've come across a great Star Trek fan trailer. What the fan did was take the most current Star Trek trailer for the new movie and replaced it with footage from the original series but kept the same music and sound. It's awesome. Check it out!
Compare it to the real trailer. It was released for the first time Friday, March 6. I first saw it in front of Watchmen.
As of 03-08-08 I have heard that Watchmen comes in at $25 million in the box office. A respectful showing for a comic book movie. Not the best or the worst. One of the issues I think is that the movie was rated "R". Typical comic book movies are rated PG-13 at worst so that kids can go see it. Let's face it, there is no way they could make a PG-13 movie out of the Watchmen story. I've seen the movie. I liked it but I'll need some more time to process it before I write a review. If you have not seen it...I'd suggest that you do because it has influenced everything in the genre since it came out.
With Rorschach and Wolverine's new movie coming out this year, the the merits of their movies and their existence. It's very funny. ItsJustSomeRandomGuy has done it again. It's based on the famous "I'm a Mac...I'm a PC" advertising campaign. Take a look:
I like this series so much, I made a previous post on my main blog at this follow link. Don't forget to subscribe to this YouTube Channel. It's one of the best on YouTube!
I came across a very clever parody. I laughed a long time. I'm sure it's a joke because it's Watchmen animated series intro with the look and feel of TMNT, Cops, and the Extreme Ghostbusters shows of the eighties....cheesy theme music included...and I have never seen it. If it had aired in the United States I would know about it! Take a look it is very funny!
The day I write this is 02-18-09, but I'm scheduling it to post 03/06/09 so I won't ruin Watchmen for myself or others! My review will be posted soon after this. I got these from
I realize that this comes as to no surprise but I'm surprised that Vanilla Ice actually comes out publicly and admit that as a "white rapper" he was nothing but a pawn for getting white people to buy rap music. They wanted to mainstream rap music. I'm still amazed that he admitted.
What if Spider-man was Japanese and not American? Well, there was a television series in the 1970's that answers that question. Spider Powers? check! Webshooters? check! Giant Mech??! Yup.
You know we can't have Japanese fantasy without Mechs or Martial arts. I think it's a cultural thing...and I like it. has announced that every Thursday we can watch an episode!
I just saw the latest episode of Heroes called Exposed. The show is good. They are keeping the stories linear and easy to follow. I still don't like how Peter's powers have been diluted and watered down a bit. The Hunter is definitely in control of Nathan's program and he now recognizes that he has lost control. What I liked most about the episode was that Peter and Matt really pulled a bold move when they tried to rescue Daphne and ended up stealing the evidence of what they are up to. I also liked how Noah tried to save Peter and Nathan saved Peter by catching him and flying away. It was also cool how Peter got Nathan's powers to escape again. I like the way Claire's mom helped her help Alex. This episode really deepened her character. She is not useless at all. It was shocking to me to see that Sylar witnessed his father killing his mother. No wonder he's messed up and damaged. The curious thing: Why did Sylar's family sell him...and I thought Sylar was a baby at the time? It looked like Sylar's dad has telekinetic powers killing his mother without touching her. Is that what happened? The other shocking thing is that the painting Matt painted of Washington DC being destroyed will come true unless Matt and Nathan can stop it. The Hunter has Matt drugged up and strapped with a bomb, hoping to detonated it and blame all people with abilities so he can kill them all with impunity. That guy really needs to be stopped. Also the guy who can turn anyone into a puppet shows up out of nowhere and asks Claire for help. I thought Sylar killed him at the end of volume 3. Surprise. Also, I'd like to know who Rebel is. Is it Angela? Or Noah? Can't wait to find out
I was blessed to attend Wondercon in San Francisco. I had a great a great time! It was really well-organized as fun. I wanted to write a post on this blog and on my main blog. I've decided that the decision about what to post here and what will be placed on the main blog will be defined here. On this blog post I want to focus on some of the formation I gained about the characters.
Much information has been released but I wasn't able to attend everything. I did attend that DC Comics Panel. It wasn't as good as past years panel. The focus was on Superman and Batman. A lot of info was spilled about Superman who's writer, James Robinson, was there. He was cool. He talked about the direction he was taking the book. He said that Kandar, the Kryptonian City (yes, the same city in other continuities that Brainiac had shrunk down and placed in a bottle) has been returned to full size and re-settled on an uninhabited fictional planet orbiting the sun. With over 1000 Kryptonians, all with Superman's powers they can't come to earth and Superman will leave earth and to live with them. To complicate matters Zod is among them. You know the man that hated Jor El, Superman's father, and caused all the ruckus in Superman II. The Panel didn't say anything about Lois Lane and if she leaves with him. He also mentioned that Supergirl has yet again been changed and now more like the Pre-Crisis-of-the-Infinite-Earth's version of the character. She remains on earth but hides her identity. A new Superman limited series will begin detailing Superman's life on New Krypton and the current Superman books will focus on what happens in Metropolis while Superman is away. I'm not sure about this direction. I prefer Superman to be the only humanoid survivor of Krypton. I think it cheapens the character to have so many survivors. But we'll see where this goes. Here is the trailer:
As for Batman: Good news! Bruce Wayne is not dead! I haven't read Final Crisis yet but from what I heard it looks like Batman died saving the DC Universe. But, he is missing and although the writer and editors were present at the panel, they would give up very little information. All they would confirm is that Bruce is missing and Gotham is self-destructing without him leading to battles among Batman's allies, apprentices, and enemies for the mantle. Also by the end of this Summer there will 8 on-going books connected to Batman.
Another major thing that was discussed it the upcoming story line called "Blackest Knight" where previously dead characters return in a kind of green lantern corps but instead of green rings, they're sporting black rings!
I also attended a panel about the Spectacular Spider-man television series. Best thing about it was that they brought clips of season 2 and they announced that the series will be returning to television in the United States airing on Disney XD starting March 23, 2009. They are going to show Season 1 and then Season 2. I want to be clear: it is one of the best Spider-man Animated series ever!
Additionally, there was a panel about the new Black Panther animated series on BET this Summer. I missed it, unfortunately.
I went to a Marvel Panel and that was fun too. I found out that Spider-man is embarking on a major storyline in which he will be arrested. They played the same trailer that has been on their website recently.
I was blessed to attend Wondercon in San Francisco. I had a great a great time! It was really well-organized as fun. I wanted to write a post on this blog and on my main blog. I've decided that the decision about what to post here and what will be placed on the main blog will be defined here. On this blog post I want to focus on some of the more general type information.
Wondercon has now hit the tipping point where it is not possible to see everything worth seeing in one day! This is the first year that I have gone and been bummed that I missed Friday. There are now so many trailers and shows and presentation that for the first time things that I wanted to see were happening simultaneously. And the exhibition floor where dealers sell everything and I mean everything imaginable dealing with comics, toys, movies, television, and video games. More dealers were there than ever before it my opinion.
Another fun thing about the convention was that many attendees came in costume - men and women. There was the annual costume contest Saturday night. I did not go but you can see many of the costumes on YouTube and Flickr.
There were a lot of celebrities this year, like Mark Hamil (Luke Skywalker), JJ Abrams, and the entire cast of the new Star Trek movie. Unfortunately, I did not get to see any of them because I was caught up in the Exhibition Hall. Once Again YouTube to the rescue!
The whole cast of Watchmen was there!
The whole cast of the new Star Trek Film!
Electronic Arts was there in a big way. Their booth had their own laptops, a couch, and large screen television!They let you play games for free. Capcom was also there. They were selling all of their games and they had several kiosks for playing Street Fighter IV for free. There was even a tournament. It was great! They also let people play Bionic Commando and Resident Evil 5 for free and they haven't been released yet. RE5 is supposed to be released this Friday from what I gather. When I get my Playstation 3 Street Fighter IV, Resident Evil 5, and Bionic Commando are on my playlist.
Here are some more videos of the event posted on YouTube.
You can read part 2 of this post at my other blog Favorite Fiction
I have come across a get blog article that explains where the Watchmen characters came from. Don't worry, no spoilers! You've got to read this if you want to know some interesting history of comic books.
More police brutality has been video taped and it has been making the rounds on the internet and television since last weekend. It found out that a 15 year-old girl was assaulted while she was in custody. She kicked her shoe at the deputies, and one of them slammed her against a wall and tossed them down on the ground. She was struck. Yes, she was being rude and disrespectful but I think the county deputies over-reacted. What do you think?
Did you see the video a guy did of himself over a period of time where he just sped up the time? They did a spoof on it on the Simpsons. Here is the video and the Simpson spoof.
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