Saturday, February 28, 2009
God Truly Saves
Friday, February 27, 2009
Parodying Christian Bale
If you want to hear the original tirade, just type in "Christian Bale" into the search box in YouTube and you can see it, but I won't post it because it's just too much profanity and I could not find an edited version.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Re-Imagining Iron Man

Over my life time, and before 1989 with Tim Burton's Batman, most times characters are adapted from comic books into either cartoons or live-action movies have failed. Why? Because when the property. They change it. Often times it looks nothing like the source material. The only time I have seen this work is when Blade was turned into a half vampire...originally he was not. The reason why all the Spider-man animated series worked and the three films except Spider-man Unlimited was because Unlimited was nothing like the comics. The reason why all the DC animated series and films have worked since 1992 is because they stayed true to the source material. Wolverine and the X-men is much like the comics except Wolverine is emphasized. In my opinion, they should have just made solo Wolverine series, but I'll forgive it. Unfortunately, I'm not sure Iron Man: Armored Adventures is going to work well. The made Tony and his friends teenagers. I think they did it to make the show appeal to younger kids! I'd rather they put someone else in the suit because I think who Tony Stark is will be lost in the series. Here is a trailer:
Re-imagining Classic Characters

Over my life time, and before 1989 with Tim Burton's Batman, most times characters are adapted from comic books into either cartoons or live-action movies have failed. Why? Because when the property. They change it. Often times it looks nothing like the source material. The only time I have seen this work is when Blade was turned into a half vampire...originally he was not. The reason why all the Spider-man animated series worked and the three films except Spider-man Unlimited was because Unlimited was nothing like the comics. The reason why all the DC animated series and films have worked since 1992 is because they stayed true to the source material. Wolverine and the X-men is much like the comics except Wolverine is emphasized. In my opinion, they should have just made solo Wolverine series, but I'll forgive it. Unfortunately, I'm not sure Iron Man: Armored Adventures is going to work well. The made Tony and his friends teenagers. I think they did it to make the show appeal to younger kids! I'd rather they put someone else in the suit because I think who Tony Stark is will be lost in the series. Here is a trailer:
New Watchmen Motion Comic on DVD

A few weeks ago, I posted an article about "motion" Comics. It's where comic book art is animated. I am planning to attend the Wondercon Convention this Saturday and I'm planning to see if i can get the Watchmen graphic novel, but this DVD would be another cool way to experience the story. It Comes out 03-03-09 I admit that Warner Brothers and Fox are attempting to milk us for all they can. That being said...I can't wait for the movie, the motion comic, and the animated companion movie called The Black Freighter on 03-24-09. Also I wanna see Watchmen in IMAX. Looks like a movie that must be seen in IMAX.
New Watchmen Motion Comic on DVD

A few weeks ago, I posted an article about "motion" Comics. It's where comic book art is animated. I am planning to attend the Wondercon Convention this Saturday and I'm planning to see if i can get the Watchmen graphic novel, but this DVD would be another cool way to experience the story. It Comes out 03-03-09 I admit that Warner Brothers and Fox are attempting to milk us for all they can. That being said...I can't wait for the movie, the motion comic, and the animated companion movie called The Black Freighter on 03-24-09. Also I wanna see Watchmen in IMAX. Looks like a movie that must be seen in IMAX.
New Wonder Woman Movie

Late last year, I heard about Warner Brothers releasing a direct to DVD/Blu-Ray animated film called Wonder Woman. Yes, thatWonder Woman. It drops 03/03/09. Check out the trailer:
Wonder Woman Animated Movie

Late last year, I heard about Warner Brothers releasing a direct to DVD/Blu-Ray animated film called Wonder Woman. Yes, thatWonder Woman. It drops 03/03/09 Check out the trailer:
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
MLK Oratory winner 2009: Gerra Gistand
Monday, February 23, 2009
Heroes Season 3; Volume 4; Episode 4 (17)

Last night I saw the latest episode of Heroes. The episode is called Cold Wars. I liked it. This volume is a lot different than Season 2 and Volume 3. It's more like Season 1. It has smaller stories and focuses on viewer characters at a time. I like it. The only things I don't like about volume 4 is that Hiro still does not have his powers back and Peter not having the same power set he had in volumes 1 and 2. Here is a short rundown:
1. Suresh is captured, protecting Matt
2. Matt looked into Bennett's head and saw that He went to Suresh and warned him, but Suresh did not tell anyone.
3. Daphne is still alive!
4. I thought that Sylar was the most dangerous character in the Series; but now I think it is toss up between Angela Petrelli and Noah Bennet because they are working together and pulling strings for an unrevealed outcome. Noah is amazingly...he was able to feed Matt only what he wanted Matt, Peter, and Suresh (even Nathan and the Hunter) what he wanted them to know. He played them masterfully. As to whether it was for good or evil is yet to be revealed.

Review: "Madea Goes to Jail"

I just saw Madea Goes To Jail. I liked it. There are a lot of positive things about the movie. I'd like enumerate them:
1. Forgiveness frees both the transgressor and the one has been transgressed against.
2. People must stop being a victim and take responsibility for the parts they played in the situations they find themselves in.
3. It is wrong to step on other people's lives to advance your lives.
4. It is wrong to look down on others and judge where they are in life as if you are better than they.
5. People can change for the better.
However, there are somethings that I think that the movie teaches are wrong.
1. A minister was attempting to hand out clean needles and condoms to prostitutes in an attempt to help keep them safe. My problem is that it enables them to keep going in their condition without neccessarily changing. The Word of God is powerful enough to change any life. Rather than enabling people in their sins we need to feed them, clothe them, and preach the Word of God to change their lives. For those who are unwilling to accept but will take the condoms and the needles, there isn't much more we can do for them other than to pray.
2. Madea's and Joe's characters' addictions and attitudes are presented for humor and not shown to be negative. Anger is not sinful but destroying property, shooting at people, or being rude and cursing are not the ways God wants us to handle our anger.
3. Madea's disdain for church is glorified and the movie suggests that you can be moral and wise without church. God told us that we must go to church. Bottom line. If you belong to Him and you want to obey him (which means you belong to him) then you will go to church....happily!
4. Now this is the most controversial point, that I'm sure that I will get some flack for saying this: It is wrong for Tyler Perry to dress up as a woman and pretend to be a 60-something woman. It is unfortunate that he is now in a position that without Madea his work is not financially bankable with the big Hollywood studios. I think that Lionsgate has made it clear that he must do a Madea film every once in a while. What is my proof that God does not like cross-dressing?
A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear women's clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this.
- Deuteronomy 22:5
In conclusion, I do not want to suggest that the movie has no good points. The issue is that the movie sends mixed messages. Here is the trailer:
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Poll: Is the New York Post's Cartoon Offensive?
My response to the cartoon itself is twofold:
First, it's the New York Post. Were they attempting to slam Obama personally, associating him in a racist fashion with a monkey? Possible. Then again, there's the old notion that if you put an infinite number of monkeys in a room with infinite typewriters and give them an infinite amount of time, they could produce the works of Shakespeare. So it could be argued that a dead monkey is an editorial cartoon shorthand for something that anyone could have produced, in a random fashion, and not particularly well.
Second, and more's the New York Post! Why does anyone give a damn what they say about anything? Before they produce the works of Shakespeare, the infinite monkeys will probably produce an issue of the Post. It should be accorded exactly that amount of respect and concern.
He thinks that Sharpton jumps the gun attributing racism to the editorial staff and artist at the New York Post. I don't agree with how he understood the cartoon. I don't see it. It got me thinking: Do all black people see the cartoon the way I do? What do other people see when they see it?
I'd like to see some comments about what you believe the cartoon is saying. If you don't want to comment and vote in my poll, please just vote. I think the results could be interesting.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
First Female Dictator Hailed As Step Forward For Women

Before I post the following video, I thought that it was amazing how much it comments on the state of feminism and cries of "equal" rights. This video is a humorous parody of what would happen if a woman became dictator of a third-world country. Most of the comments are applied to any woman who is "first" to be something or do something traditionally dominated by men. It's strange to hear those same comments being applied to being a dictator and engineer of genocide and persecution as those comments praising a woman for excelling at being an executive or successful at something good. Have we really gone that far at praising women for everything...good or bad? Something to think about. Personally, I don't have a problem with women having and welding authority and power as long at they do it according to the will of God. That being said men and women are different...neither is better or worse than the other. God said so.
Watchmen DVD Companion

In recent years many great movies have been been released with animated DVDs that also flesh out the overall story. It began with the Matrix Reloaded back in 2003. Warner Bros has mastered this. Come March 24, about 2 weeks after Watchmen is released, Warner Bros is releasing a direct to DVD story that fleshes out the story, based on a comic book in the film, called Tales of the Black Trailer. Gerard Butler lends his voice. Plus it will have a live-action in movie continuity documentary called Under the Hood. Here is how Reel Comix described it:
Under the Hood, chronicles the events in Hollis Mason’s life that led to him to become the masked avenger Nite Owl and discusses how the Minutemen were formed. It features the original Sally Spectre, the Comedian, Moloch the Mystic, along with Hollis Mason, the original Nite Owl. Under the Hood is directed by Eric Matthies, written by Hans Rodionoff and produced by Eric Matthies and Wesley Coller. Stars Carla Gugino, Matt Frewer, Stephen McHattie and Jeffrey Dean Morgan appear as their characters from the theatrical Watchmen film in this live-action documentary style special.
Here is the trailer
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Heroes Season 3; Volume 4; Episode 3 (16)

Heroes is getting better and better. Here is my rundown for the latest episode:
1. Nathan is loosing control of his "Hunter", who staged Tracy's escape so that a woman from Home Land Security could see how dangerous people with abilities can be.
2. Claire has decided to side against her fathers
3. Who is the rebel? I think it's Peter.
4. I liked the subplot with Ando and Hiro going to India to help that woman realize that she did not have to marry someone she did not love. When is Hiro going to get his powers back? And we saw at the beginning of Volume 3 that Ando killed Hiro and his hands were glowing red, which is what Ando does when he uses his powers...could that future still happen?
5. Sylar has daddy issue, but it is interesting to see his relationship develop with Luke. He freed Luke when he was captured, but I'd like to know how did they know that Luke had powers?
6. I can see that Mohinder, Matt, and Peter are not going to sit around and wait on Nathan's move, instead they kidnapped Noah. I can't wait to see how that plays out. If Clair finds out will she side with them or Noah. In effect they did exactly what Nathan is doing.
Some People Don't Grow Up
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Heroes Season 3; Volume 4; Episode 2 (15)

I really enjoyed the the latest episode of Heroes called Trust and Blood. The story is really moving along. Here is what we know so far:
1. Noah Bennet is going along with Nathan because he wants to protect Claire and he thinks that people with powers need to be controlled.
2. Sylar took a young man under his wing. Unfortunately neither are nice guys.
3. Peter's powers have changed: He can only hold on and use one power at a time. I hope his powers will get restored.
4. Hiro is still powerless. I hope that he gets them back.
5. The African that has been leading Matt is definitely not resurrected. Matt is seeing visions.
6. Nathan has not gone completely evil, he really thinks that he is doing the right thin

7. Nathan is loosing control of the Hunter and I think that the Hunter is beginning to suspect that Nathan has powers himself
8. Peter and Claire are heroic because they have chosen to be hunted rather than protected by Nathan and Bennet
9. I had read that a rumor that a character would be written out of the show, and Daphne was killed.
10. They completely changed the dynamics of the show. The government is hunting them and Sylar seems to be their best weapon.
11. I think that if Peter absorbed Sylar's ability he could bed back to full power.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
More Genius Viral Marketing: Watchmen
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Marvel Motion Comics
Hulk Vs Review

Well I got the Hulk Vs DVD and I've got to admit that it was great! I loved it. They were great stand-alone stories. To be honest, I liked the Wolverine story better because I think Wolverine was captured perfectly as well as the Hulk. Wolverine took a huge beating but he gave as good as he got. I thought Thor was too wussy. He got his can kicked and handed back to him a lot more than I expected.
I found a link on the blog below that lists some of the Hulk's best battles against other Marvel characters.
Secret Wars on Infinite Earths: The Comic Book Fight Club
I believe that I would say that the Hulk won both battles on the DVD and he fought more than just Thor and Wolverine. He fought all of Weapon X and the army of Asgardians and beat all of them.

Review: Hulk Vs

Well I got the Hulk Vs DVD and I've got to admit that it was great! I loved it. They were great stand-alone stories. To be honest, I liked the Wolverine story better because I think Wolverine was captured perfectly as well as the Hulk. Wolverine took a huge beating but he gave as good as he got. I thought Thor was too wussy. He got his can kicked and handed back to him a lot more than I expected.
I found a link on the blog below that lists some of the Hulk's best battles against other Marvel characters.
Secret Wars on Infinite Earths: The Comic Book Fight Club
I believe that I would say that the Hulk won both battles on the DVD and he fought more than just Thor and Wolverine. He fought all of Weapon X and the army of

Friday, February 6, 2009
Kent Brandenburg vs James White
Alan Kurschner reviewed a KJV Only article yesterday, and the author [Kent Brandenburg] (who wrote his first post without having listened to the entire debate, completed his review. The level of bias flies past the level of sheer bigotry, as seen in this amazing paragraph:
In fairness to Ehrman, even though I hate the work that he does, he has a higher standard for text that comes from God than White does. White acts like any of us should expect errors. I think it is White's Calvinism---God wanted errors in the text because of the greater good there would be (something like that). The reason Ehrman, it seems, is willing to trust Tacitus more than the Bible, is because Tacitus doesn't claim inspiration or preservation. The Bible does.
Well there you go! Remember that a few months ago I played clips from a KJV Only radio program and demonstrated that the KJV Onlyists hold Ehrman's position, right along with the Muslims: "We need a variantless text, no matter what the realities of history are." And here you see it again. Of course, one can only imagine what an encounter between one of these folks and Ehrman would look like, but that's another issue.
Because King James Only advocates refuse to see that the King James Version is not divinely inspire, but the original Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic texts were they cannot really stand against Ehrman's criticisms. I mean look at Erhman's argument: "You don't have a single original copy on which to authoritatively base your beliefs." The KJV onlies think that the KJV Bible is superior to the older manuscripts but can't prove that it is. The men who translated the KJV admitted themselves that their translation was not perfect. So what can they say yo someone like Bart Ehrman? Nothing. They have no logical apologetic, yet they refuse to let go of their presuppositions instead of just studying and researching the facts. There is a logical explanation and a defense for every criticism Ehrman levies against the Bible. James White, with the help of the Lord, did a powerful job defending the faith.
Here is the Preface of the King James Bible from 1611.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Heroes Season 3; Volume 4; Episode 1 (14)

Well, I was fortunate to see the return of Heroes. Finally, something worth watching on television Monday nights again! Just like in Volumes 2 and 3, the episode started out about three months since the end of volume 3, and we see a new status quo among the characters and we have very little idea how they go to those points since the last time we have seen them. Of course all those questions will be answered. I noticed a few inconsistencies that may be explained later (I hope) and may not have been mistakes. Ok, Here is my rundown (caution contains details):
1. Sylar's Alive (big surprise)! Now, I'd like to know how.
2. Apparently, when Mohinder was cured, his super strength remained in tack
3. Apparently, when Peter's powers were restored he only got his initial absorbing power and he flew because he was in Nathan's presence at the end of volume 3. Why now, can he seem only to be able to absorb powers by touch, like his daddy?
4. How did Noah Bennet end up working with Nathan and Angela Petrelli?
5. Where exactly was Nathan planning to send Peter, Matt, Mohinder, Hiro, Tracy, and the other metahumans?
6. Is that Guy from Africa that Matt has been seeing alive? Or is Matt just seeing visions? Arthur Petrelli did kill him.
7. I had hoped that some of the events in volume 3 at the end undid some of Arthur's evil like the people he killed and taking Hiro's powers. We'll see.
8. How did Nathan arrange that trap for Sylar?
9. What will Sylar find when he finally meets his father? Is Sylar's mother still alive?
10. I want Hiro to get his powers back.
Here is the promo!
I really liked how the show is drawing parallels to how governments inter or persecute people who are different from the general populace. I'll be interested to see how this plays out. I just don't think it's right to take away the rights or group because of what a few people in the group may do. It's not fair. In the context of the show, just because Arthur and Sylar abuse their powers doesn't mean all the specials will. Peter, Claire, Matt, and Hiro desire to use their powers to help it should be. "The Law is for the Lawless". The people who choose to use their powers morally should not be bothered by the government. In this day and age, such fiction is needed to help us think about the politics in our country. Where do the right of the individual end and the security of the group begin? Tough question. Nathan is going down a slippery slope towards something akin to Nazism. Nathan is telling the government about people with special abilities, rounding them up, and doing who know what to them, although he is one of them. I do remember Nathan saying in season 1 that if he were in charge that is what he would do to keep specials under control. But I don't see him or his mother turning themselves in. I'm reminded of Hitler. He did all he could to sanitize records of his ancestry of anyone who was less than his ideal of being German. However his father was half-Jewish. I'm not sure if the writers are trying to go for all these connections but it is interesting. It's this kind of thing that makes this show interesting.
Heroes draws a lot of parallels with X-men. I would say that Peter is a lot like Professor X or Cyclops. While Sylar and Nathan remind me of Magneto to varying degrees. I wonder if those similarites and differences will be further explored during this volume?
Monday, February 2, 2009
The Black Snob's "Cute Black Girls Are Everywhere, You Idiots" campaign

On Danielle Belton's blog, The Black Snob, she has alerted everyone to the reality that advertising companies are scrambling trying to find several black girls to model in the wake of the Obama family's popularity. Like her, I'm surprised that they think that there is a "shorage". I've got lots of relatives too. I meran there are black folks all over the planet.It's like they've never been to a playground. In case she is serious about sending them potential candidate's model, here is my suggestion: my two year-old daughter, Makayla, in a candid video. I'll send the picture on the right in an e-mail. I might even send a newer one later on.
The Best Part of Superbowl 2009
GI Joe
Transformers 2
Star Trek X
Heroes Superbowl