Saturday, May 15, 2010

ghettoManga: Mohawk Storm + Warren Ellis + Kaare Andrews = YESSIR! (Alex Ross doesn't suck, either)

Samax has posted a great review of a couple of comics on his blog, ghettoManga. I think it shows a lot of insight and really makes me wanna pick them up. The X-Men story seems great. I think Warren Ellis is a genius. I own an earlier version of a book like Rough Justice called Mythology - the DC Comics Art of Alex Ross. It's one of my prize art books because it focus on his earliest art and all his DC work up until that time including Kingdom Come. I think I might see if I can get Rough Justice also.

ghettoManga: Mohawk Storm + Warren Ellis + Kaare Andrews = YESSIR! (Alex Ross doesn't suck, either)
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