Monday, March 29, 2010

Comic Zeal Previews Its iPad Reader - ComicsAlliance | Comics culture, news, humor, commentary, and reviews

Comics Alliance has reported a great article about the great apps coming out to read comic books on the iPad.

BoingBoing had an early look at the reader in action this weekend, linking to sample shots of the app at work. Those who use the app in its current iPhone incarnation know the score - for $3.99 it allows users with a little savvy to upload and read CBZ, ZIP,CBR and RAR files on their phones. Comic Zeal 4 for the iPad is planned to work in much the same way, only with bells and whistles aimed at taking advantage of the new device's screen size for around twice the price.

Comic Zeal isn't alone in its quest for iPad action, however, as ComiXolgy's iPad concept has been making the blog rounds for a few months now and current iPhone apps like ClickWheel, Panelfly and iVerse Media all have plans to greet the device with accommodating upgrades on or around its April 3 release.

I've downloaded CBR Files before and it's not bad reading them on a PC. I like digital comics a lot. I would love more easier ways to use the format. It would be really cool to be able to easily read/create the same files in the format on many platforms. I like the PSP reader and the Marvel Comics reader. I would like to see more publishers and more content

Comic Zeal Previews Its iPad Reader - ComicsAlliance | Comics culture, news, humor, commentary, and reviews
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