Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Top Model Adrianne Curry Enjoys "Butt-Naked" World of Warcraft?

I just found this particular post from G4TV. I'm not sure if this true or not and I don't condone non-medical drug use of any kind but it goes to show how people need to be more careful about what they post on Twitter. The post reads:

Ordinarily, I wouldn't post accusations of drug use (or World of Warcraft use) on our website, but in this case I'm making an exception, because Curry herself* said she was stoned! Over the weekend Curry tweeted:
"jumping into shower.going to spend my afternoon playing World Of Warcraft butt naked&stoned.Perfect Sunday!"
So remember, next time you're riding through Azeroth, and some noob is spamming "LFG!" in the public channel, it could be Adrianne Curry. Here are her characters, stalker.
*The truthfulness of this information hinges on whether this is actually Curry's twitter feed and not some clever impostor's hack.

My only question is: Does Tyra Banks know this is how Adrianne spends her weekends?

Top Model Adrianne Curry Enjoys "Butt-Naked" World of Warcraft?

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