Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Power Girl Lectures Women for Complaining About Her Costume

 Here is a great article talking about how art should address culture. I admit that comics and movies and television objectify women and treats them as sex objects. Thankfully, it's becoming taboo to all such characterizations stand..A balance between still using sex to sell things, yet not being so overt to denigrate women is attempting to be struck. This tension is seen most superheroine costumes and I think the one character this is brought out most is with DC Comic's Power Girl. Her costume has always been provocative and controversial. See the picture on the right? Some people are offended by it. Personally, being male, it's never bothered me...I should probably have that checked.  In a recent comic book, an attempted response to to the critics of the costume is made in the story. Some people liker the writer of the post linked below, were offended and felt like DC Comics was triying to defend the costume. But if you look at the comic book page itself, it's played for laughs in my opinion.

I found the following image that sums up one-side of the debate.

Power Girl Lectures Women for Complaining About Her Costume
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