Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Twihard Mom Seeks Signed Panties from Taylor Lautner on 'Jay Leno Show' (VIDEO) - Inside Movies

Lautner at San Diego Comic-Con in July 2009.Image via Wikipedia
I've just become aware of a new cultural phenomonon sweeping the culture: middle-aged parents crushing on the same teen heart-throbs as their children in general and Taylor Lautner, who is one of the stars of New Moon, in particular. The boy is only 17 years old. - jail bate. One of the articles I read pointed out the double standard. It seems more culturally permissible for adult men to fantacize about young female starlets than the other way around. Personally, as a parent the last thing I want is adults hitting on my children while they are still under-aged. I still remember a couple of years back when Hayden (from Heroes) turned 18, adult men were happier than she was! Here is a video of Taylor discussing with Jay Leno about one of his experiences: One girls' forty-something mother wanted him to sign her panties! I'm sorry the day me and my son are hot for the same - girl his age -  there is a problem!

Twihard Mom Seeks Signed Panties from Taylor Lautner on 'Jay Leno Show' (VIDEO) - Inside Movies

Why Twihard Cougars Are Grossing Us Out
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