Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Jonathan Hickman's 'Shield' Set To Reveal Marvel's Premier Spy Agency's Secret History

Well we now know what Jonathan Hickman's secret project for Marvel Comics is, reveled last night on G4TV's Attack of the Show. Here is what was written at  ComicAlliance:

As promised, Butler revealed the new series by Hickman and artist Dustin Weaver is called "Shield" and will reveal the secret history of - that's right, S.H.I.E.L.D. (I like the acronymless title better already for my own selfish typing reasons):
"Beginning in ancient Egypt and running through the 1950s, the series will reveal how some of the greatest icons in history protected the Earth from threats like Galactus and the Celestials."

Butler added that the series reveals would impact not only Marvel's past, but also its future, which may be welcome as Nick Fury seems pretty stressed out of late in "Secret Warriors."
Follow the following link to read the article at Comic Alliance.
Jonathan Hickman's 'Shield' Set To Reveal Marvel's Premier Spy Agency's Secret History

Here is the actual announcement from Attack of the Show

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