Monday, November 30, 2009

Couple Uses Comic as Wedding Invitation (Ft. Ackbar!)

When people get married they often try to do things to celebrate and be uniquely original.  Here is an example of a couple who are using this wedding invitation. Genius!

"And special thanks to Mr. Andy Bong who is the only person we know who can take the vague request 'Can you make us a comic with Kanye West, Star Wars and maybe some laser blasting... oh and its a wedding invite so can it be adorable and sweet too?' and turn it into something that has been blogged ( rocks!), Tweeted about, and is currently alleged to be circulating in a chain email (Really? Someone send it to us!). We wanted it to be funny and show how much in love we are(and what dorks we are too, oops!) Well done, sir!"

Couple Uses Comic as Wedding Invitation (Ft. Ackbar!)
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