Thursday, October 22, 2009

Serena Williams: Powerful, Nude and Possibly Banned from Australian Open

:en:Serena Williams playing for the :en:Washin...Image via Wikipedia
I wanted to post this article because I think it brings up an interesting point: How do your actions affect others and if you are responsible for those effects? Often times when a black person becomes famous, he or she is expected to be representative of all black people not just themselves. Their successes and failures are reflective on all black people. White celebrities aren't under the same pressure or standards. When Serena lost her temper and threatened that referee, it wasn't said that the embrassed herself but all black Americans especially those from Compton. I think that's unfair to her and all of us. She is a human being. What she can't get mad? John Macaroe did the same thing all the time and no one seemed to think less of white people.

I think Serena intimidates men because of who she is and how she carries herself. He is physically strong and bigger than most women. She probably scared the poor little referee. Most people would be scared by a black person, larger than them, screaming at them. That said, I agree that Serena should have handled the situation differently, but not just because it makes us look bad or because it makes her a poor role model for my three year-old daughter, but because it was not right, period.However if you are going to make her pay for it more than she already has, punish the white male star atheletes the same way.

Serena Williams: Powerful, Nude and Possibly Banned from Australian Open
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