Monday, June 22, 2009

Olivia Munn has a Role in Iron Man 2

This is the second report i have seen: Olivia Munn is in Iron Man 2. However it seems that no on is spilling the beans as to what that role is. I really would like to know.Here is a comment she made about being on the set:

"All my scenes (in Iron Man 2) are with Robert Downey and one other actor. I don't know how much I can say," she says. "We were (improvising) nd it came to me (to say a line) … (Later) Robert said, 'Can we just stop a second and give Olivia a round of applause. She is rocking it. That made me feel good."

She is a great actress, in my opinion, and here is a clip from the show she works on Attack of the Show. Sometimes she does skits and parodies and this one where she tries out to be come a "Bond" girl. Hilarity ensues!

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