Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Heroes Season 3; Volume 4; Episode 5 (18)

I just saw the latest episode of Heroes called Exposed. The show is good. They are keeping the stories linear and easy to follow. I still don't like how Peter's powers have been diluted and watered down a bit. The Hunter is definitely in control of Nathan's program and he now recognizes that he has lost control. What I liked most about the episode was that Peter and Matt really pulled a bold move when they tried to rescue Daphne and ended up stealing the evidence of what they are up to. I also liked how Noah tried to save Peter and Nathan saved Peter by catching him and flying away. It was also cool how Peter got Nathan's powers to escape again. I like the way Claire's mom helped her help Alex. This episode really deepened her character. She is not useless at all. It was shocking to me to see that Sylar witnessed his father killing his mother. No wonder he's messed up and damaged. The curious thing: Why did Sylar's family sell him...and I thought Sylar was a baby at the time? It looked like Sylar's dad has telekinetic powers killing his mother without touching her. Is that what happened? The other shocking thing is that the painting Matt painted of Washington DC being destroyed will come true unless Matt and Nathan can stop it. The Hunter has Matt drugged up and strapped with a bomb, hoping to detonated it and blame all people with abilities so he can kill them all with impunity. That guy really needs to be stopped. Also the guy who can turn anyone into a puppet shows up out of nowhere and asks Claire for help. I thought Sylar killed him at the end of volume 3. Surprise. Also, I'd like to know who Rebel is. Is it Angela? Or Noah? Can't wait to find out

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