Meet G4 at WonderCon 2011! -

I'm planning to be at Wondercon this next weekend. I'm glad to see that Attack of the Show and G4 are also. Follow the link to see the announcement of their schedule!

Meet G4 at WonderCon 2011! -
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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Rebecca Black's "Friday"

Considering that Rebecca Black's video is now viral, you probably have seen it. Before you scratch out your eyes there has been a considerable number of parodies that make it a little easier to live with yourself after seeing it (and worse hearing it). Here is the original video followed by the best parody video I've seen so far.

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10 Megalomaniacs Who Should Rule You (And Why) - Topless Robot

I'm really enjoying Robbie Boland's lists over at Topless Robot. This week he lists the top 10 fictional megalomaniacs who might not be bad rulers. He writes:

Has anyone ever stopped to consider whether we might actually all be better off if we just gave these guys a shot at running things? Surely someone with the genius level intellect, determination, fiscal nouse and organizational ability required to build a skyscraper-sized fire breathing cyborg T-Rex with missile teeth has to be a better choice than 98% of the politicians out there, right? Here are the top ten evil megalomaniacs we all might be better off being rules by.

I agree with the list, but I wouldn't want to be ruled by any of these guys. I agree with the comments about Dr Doom - he definitely should be on the list.

10 Megalomaniacs Who Should Rule You (And Why) - Topless Robot
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